We get our haying done by a three generation team, and while the youngest member, Michael, has always worked hard at pulling his weight, he finds time to visit for a few moments, and brighten our dogs' days. This is much appreciated, because the dogs must remain locked up until the large equipment leaves again for the year, and our canine contingent feels quite left out, and craves attention.
So when Michael comes in to visit the dogs, a balance is reestablished.
Michael is very good with animals, and he seems to genuinely like the dogs. He plays with them, without getting them riled up. Decibel took right to him. As Michael was sitting on the stairs updating us about his 4-H projects, and haying work, not to mention the fact that he just got his learners permit, Decibel was encroaching on his space. Suddenly she got the look... it means only one thing. She is going to kiss this human, and there is no escape.
I warned Michael, and he laughed it off, trying to push Decibel away, just to prove me wrong.
Hah! He doesn't know that Decibel can be "the Determined". After a bit of wrestling Michael ended up stretched on the stairs, Decibel on top, finally reaching his face, giving him a few (not too sloppy) kisses, before she let Michael get up.
Naturally I got to the camera way too late.
Best TOY we have: doggie door. It has seen a lot of human action lately. |
Then we had another set of visitors with children, and again Decibel did quite well. She didn't jump on anyone, didn't use her massive paws, and in the end played with the boys, mostly bring a toy and tug of war. Ralph is an old hand at kids, he grew up with his own, and I think he misses them still at times. Skeeter loves the extra attention that visitors entail, and he always finds someone who will pet him. Maggie finds the whole bit rather boring, and in the end gets a bit grumpy. I think she fails to see the point of it. She is not allowed to boss the little people around, she can't ignore them, and they are ruining her hunting. So she goes off to wait for them to leave.
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