Faced with a peach avalanche, I decided to invite Sheila and Elliot and their sons Noah and Samuel, for rather selfish reasons: To pick peaches!
It was a clever ploy, and they worked really hard too, and best of all, they TOOK a whole bucket full of peaches. I asked Noah, who is a fruit connoisseur, how many peaches he wanted to take home. Without hesitation he decided on 180. I think they got that many.
Now just to review Decibel's faces (previous post):
This is the "I'm not sure what is going on, but something is happening. Mom brushed me, and the floor is clean. Visitors?" face.
I was a little worried about Decibel, she hasn't seen short humans for a while, and with her jumping up on visitors lately, I didn't want to have any injuries, we needed peach pickers!
But Decibel showed how smart and good she can be. She never jumped on the boys, she tried to be on her best behavior, and only once Noah decided to play tug of war with her did she accidentally use her paw and scratch him a little. She even tugged lightly, I mean, Decibel can pull me along, but she didn't topple Noah.
All the dogs were pretty good, even if Samuel wouldn't agree, (he was a little intimidated by all that canine action). No one got knocked over, no tears; everyone left with the digits and limbs they came with.
People trekking up to see cows |
Cows trekking down to see people |
Close encounters... "I like your hat" |
Decibel is in the thick of it
Donkey is really good with Noah
Even Samuel enjoys the "ride"
After the fun with the farm critters, and a quick dip for the dogs, we put the people to work!
Decibel is entertained by the little human - Look Mom, he's almost like one of us... Can we keep him?
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