Decibel is a smart dog, she shows me that several times a day. She is observant, understands a lot of words we never taught her on purpose, and she is intuitive. She likes being helpful, she is attentive, and she even has her protective aspects.
One thing she is not is sneaky. She hasn't got it in her.
When a thought pops into her head, you can pretty much read it off her face in
She might see a bone or 'stinky' (it is what we call the hoof trimmings the farrier leaves behind, for obvious reasons. The dogs like chewing them and since they are free and essentially the same as cow hoof, stinkies are fair game) and try to get it without attracting notice from the other dogs, but her delight far outdoes her sneakiness, and EVERYONE in the immediate vicinity knows that she is up to something.
She is prancing, eyes on target, tail high, ear flopping, with a big grin on her face... yeah, so subtle - NOT!
I can read her when 'she is up to something', when an idea strikes, when she is willing, or unwilling. Her herding for example: Decibel is a helpful dog and she delights in having a job to do. Still, those steers give her trouble at times, requiring her to dance out of the way. Deep down Decibel is a bit of a chicken. So when I tell her to bring up the cows, she goes with an air of dutiful honor-bound compulsion. It is fun to watch especially when the other dogs are goofing off. For a split second there is temptation, should she chase after Maggie who is hunting (imaginary) squirrels? After all, Mom is busy with the big cow, and might not notice, and in any event, humans are S-L-O-W. Then there is compliance. Mom needs me. I can herd cows. I can show her. I am a good helper Briard. And she's off pushing cattle.
This is: hoping for a cookie |
This is: someone is touching the bowls! |
This is: I hope they go to bed soon. They have to come by here. |
This is: Maggie has something I want. |
This is: I really want it, but Maggie is the boss. |
This is: Hi Mom, can we go do something fun? |
This is: Mo-om, get off the darn computer, it's nice out! |
Naturally she has her barks too. One just means 'Ralph is in my way'. Then there is the 'someone at the gate' or the even better 'Daddy is home' bark. Another is more serious, 'something is WRONG'!
I was cleaning the kitchen floor, an activity that practically spells futility, not to mention begs for an interruption. I have to blast my music until the floor practically vibrates, since I believe this helps the dirt removal process. Still, I could hear the 'something wrong' bark over the wet vacuum and the music. So I shut off the cleaner, and no, the other dogs are not joining. This is clearly something that only Decibel finds noteworthy.
I check it out. She "found" the fan Harold had set up in the study. It is one of those small fans that rotates, which didn't convince Mademoiselle Decibel that it could be harmless. It moved!
So I got a break from cleaning and let her check it out, until we were both assured that no danger lurked in the study.
One of the funniest things was watching Maggie come in to check things out, and not finding anything worth her while.
Unfortunately Decibel can read me pretty well too, at least when it comes to grooming tasks, for she disappears out the doggie door the second the thought has formed in my head, and before I can move towards the basket with the grooming utensils.