Wednesday, April 11, 2012


April is the time for the annual vet visit at our house, and everyone gets their check up, tune up, a few tweaks and adjustments, along with their necessary vaccines.
Dr. Ann comes to our place, since hauling horses, donkey, the cow, and three cats down the road is not really feasible; those cats put us right over the weight limit.

We actually start with the cats - one of course scratched me right away, so I was done with them, and told Harold to take over.  (And then they think I will share some milk with them?  Ungrateful buggers.)
Then we moved on to the 'worthwhile' creatures, actually deserving of Dr. Ann's attention.
Ruby was no trouble, especially since Dr. Ann used the smallest bore needle for her injections, she is a thin-skinned cow with sensitivities after all.

Then came the dogs.
Maggie, Skeeter, and Ralph adore Dr. Ann and we have to hold them back so she can do their exams one at a time without getting kisses and such.

Decibel is a different story.  

Decibel's experience with Dr. Ann goes back to her first booster shots and she had a FIT!

She howled, yodeled, cried, tried to get away, didn't want a cookie, and repeated that with intensified levels for each shot, and she most definitely did not like Dr Ann, or her cookies, or anything after that.
Her subsequent Dr Ann encounters were a little calmer, but she was not convinced that they were necessary.
Big brown accusing eyes, scrambling to get away, followed by the cold shoulder, that was her response.
Not this time!
She took the shot with all the stiff upper lip of a hero facing sure obliteration.

Oh she was so brave!

And she was so obviously proud of herself afterward!

Treating the horses and donkey were downright unremarkable compared to Decibel's bravery in the face of a syringe, even though Molly needed her teeth floated (sharp edges on the teeth get filed off).

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