Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The talented Decibel - Canine astronomer

Decibel is very observant.

It keeps her out of a lot of trouble, for she seems to know exactly how far to push things, or when exactly to misbehave and I am in too good a mood to correct her.

It also keeps her rather busy, for the world is hers to patrol and check for intruders, shadows, and especially stray lights.  This may be part of her eco-defender dog superhero persona, who knows.  But be assured, no reflection, sneaky alien with sparkly space ship, or flashlight bearing person can ever hope to sneak up on us.  Not while she is on guard against such dastardly things.

One morning as I am doing the chores in my half stupor, she goes off:


Now what?  
She's barking at the moon.  Okay, the moon is weird.  It is missing its top.  Good girl Decibel!  Someone stole a chunk of moon.  You tell them.
Same moon, but not during eclipse

Thanks to her we got to see the tail end of the lunar eclipse, which I would have missed otherwise.  Since there isn't another one for a few years, and that one will likely be cloudy, well, I'm kind of glad she pointed that out.

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