Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Eve

As most years, the old and rather raggedy Christmas tree was set up during Thanksgiving, and this year it was finally endowed with new lights, so it shines rather brightly.  The remaining few of the fake needles we try to hide under trinkets and sparkly things, and the whole procedure is for the dogs.

Maggie knows the promise implied, and has been checking for the best present, but like a good girl without doing more than slightly moistening the wrapping paper.
She points to the choicest present with the insistence of a compass needle, so how could I refuse?

We opened it first.  It was a matter of survival, I believe.

...And the winner is...

Only after sampling the Milkbones (Harold's pick), were the other presents worthy of consideration.

some go hide with their present

while the others need more refreshments

Ralphy gladly traded all other presents for the magic Milk bones


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