Monday, June 6, 2011

Dogs and smiles

When Sassy, a Tibetan Terrier bitch still ruled our house, we learned to beware of smiling dogs.  Tibetan Terriers are shaggy little dogs, friendly and happy, and when you can see their smily teeth, it often actually means they are flashing those pearly whites because they are carrying contraband.  Sassy was a master of this technique.  I don't know how often I said, "Hi Sassy, good girl," only to have the coin drop a few seconds later that she was SMILING, and then rush after her to find out what she was carrying.
Sassy; this was a true smile... no hidden contraband.
Once it turned out to be a  travel alarm from a visiting guest.  Oh, she didn't chew it, and she DID find it on the floor, which makes it almost okay to take, but she snuck into the guest room, grabbed the treasure and was headed out the doggie door.  I got it back only slightly slimy.

Maggie is another dog that has a smile.  Most of the time she really is just smiling...  Except when she is carrying a bone or a turtle, or worse, much worse...
Maggie IS smiling

... sometimes with good reason

And now Decibel has joined the ranks of the smiling dogs.  I was playing with her at the pond, threw her a stick, and with a smile she went in to get it.  Only, she could not pick up the floating piece of wood.  She paddled back to shore, and between her pretty teeth she was carrying an only slightly dented turtle.  One of those painted ones, so I had her give it to me and let it go.  Now I have to watch for smiles with her as well.

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