Friday, June 3, 2011

And then the heavens opened...

June first it decided to rain.

We got nearly 10 inches in 24 hours.

Not exaggeration, not a typo, it just poured.  After the first 6 or 7 inches of rain Harold took these pictures.  I was too disgusted to go see, besides, I had blistered my hand badly over Memorial day pushing the lawnmower, so I am on the injured reserve list.
At night we got more rain.

This is the driveway to the chicken coop and the horse barn.  On either side the water is pretty deep.

This is usually a dry pipe, now draining what used to be the hay field

Looking north toward the shed

How do the dogs feel about this?
Ralph is surveying the raging stream, where previously we had a trickle in deep banks.  He's happy.
And our sweet Decibel?

Okay, she is clearly part frog.

The whirlpool:

This whirlpool formed over a 4 foot drainpipe that used to easily handle the overflow and run off from the pond.  Not so that day.  The water almost came over the drive, and washed out a big chunk of real estate.  When Barley was alive, we were in a drought.  The first time water flowed through that pipe he must have been five years old.  He barked and barked at this new thing!  

This is water coming around the pond, off the CRP ground.  The pond overflow is coming in from the right.

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