Thursday, May 26, 2011

Rough Spring

Once again the weather is not playing nice.  Not that we can complain legitimately, since other than a few heavy storms dumping inches of rain on us, and the prevailing cold and chill, there hasn't been anything catastrophic, and there have been entirely too many tornadoes and the like recently.
Still, for me cold is painful and it keeps me from moving.  My joints literally freeze up.  That means grumpy person for the dogs, and not enough walkies to make them happy.

So the dogs make the most of every walk that I take them on, after bundling up, wearing gloves and having dug out my winter coat (which I had optimistically washed and put away for the warm season).  Decibel has energy to burn, and burn it she did, which caused her to tumble into a spectacular looking somersault, after which she was limping a little.  We checked everything, but I think she pulled a muscle, or the like.  It seems to be in her shoulder.  She forgets and races off, then limps again.  Well, rest and some anti-inflammatory meds should do the trick, only rest isn't really something in her vocabulary.  Slow down, she doesn't understand either.

Immediately thereafter, she started winking at me.  Now what?  My girl has big brown eyes, and doesn't squint.  Naturally these things happen on the weekend, so Monday morning I called the vet, convinced that Decibel was going blind.  In addition Skeeter had a big lump on his shoulder, so he was turning into Quasimodo.  Dr Ann found pus in the lump, and declared it an abscess, so after a course of antibiotics, Skeeter will be right as rain.  Decibel's eye was stained with dye, and showed a little ding on the cornea, so she had poked it.  Eye-drops for her.
They have both recovered from their "ordeals".  I'm so glad Dr Ann doesn't charge extra for hysterical owners.

Now if we only could keep Decibel from being turbocharged.  Of course I could put her on the leash, but that would be cruel.  After raining all day, there was a short spell for me to run up to the barn and feed the horse and donkey, and the chickens.  Decibel splashed through every puddle twice, raced through the pond overflow, almost got washed through a drain pipe, went for a swim, and managed all this without a limp.  Maybe she's on the mend.

Decibel stole this ball from Ralph.  Hers is still round, thus no fun.

After a swim in the pond... mud is good for the complexion.
Now, if only there were some serious global warming.  This is the third - no, forth year in a row with a cold wet spring.  At least we didn't lose all the fruit this time (not yet anyhow), but the grass is not liking this cold, and the cows will be unhappy.

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