Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Farm morning, the walk

So I was still hopeful to get a few good pictures of Decibel, when she is running along at full speed, or trotting in that easy lope that she has.  After all, the light was good, the camera charged, and...

Damn, those dogs are just too fast.
I was smashing the button down, but the camera was doing all sorts of technological wonders, like adjusting for motion, autofocusing, getting a GPS signal, and all that, and I kept missing the shots.

Mama, don't take my Kodachrome away.  Oh, that's right, they already did.

Damn technology.  I was better with a SLR with manual advance.  At least I would get some good shots.  Here... nothing but blurs and scrambled electrons, and dog butts, after the cute stuff was over with.

After a while I noticed that the camera was set to flower.  It is a setting for extreme close ups, of stuff that just sits there, like a flower.  Okay, that might have been some of the reasons... I switched it to children, which is the setting for fast moving creatures. Not really any better.
Dog stuck in mud, is the action level that my camera can focus on.  

So I gave up trying to take good action shots, and decided to do a documentary instead:

The dogs have been gnawing on deer bones, that Maggie supplies.  She won't tell us where the stash/skeleton is.  She just disappears for a moment, and comes back with another piece of deer.  It is a deer by the way, since there were several of the little hoovies attached to some bone, and so at least they are not eating some missing person.
Anyhow, the rule is, no bones in the house.  The dogs have to drop their bounty when they come in.  They can pick the bone back up on the way out.  This rule insures that we don't have gross bones in the house, or worse, a reason to fight over a bone, and that the dogs will come, because I don't actually take the bones away, they can get them back.

So in the action series documentary, you see Skeeter come, drop the bone, then Decibel come, sniff the bone and leave it, and enter the house.

Skeeter is "carrying"... Drop it!

the bone

Hey, cool, a bone!  Oh, Mom says, Leave it!

Sometimes they are ALL GOOD DOGS!

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