Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The pink nemesis

We had a nice spring day, and I took full advantage of it, walking the dogs, working the horse and enjoying the sunshine.  When it came time for evening chores, I let the dogs out in the barnyard, while I got my shoes on.

Decibel started barking at the propane tank... no the mulberry tree.
Now what?
Maybe one of the cats was up the tree.  Decibel can see items as if for the first time, and when she thinks they don't belong, she will make a big deal of it.  So I go to check it out.

Well, turns out she was afraid of the pink Flamingo.  

Admittedly, the thing has seen better decades, but he still makes me laugh, and besides, our type of landscape decorating actually benefits from a pink flamingo.
Anyhow, Decibel was afraid of it.  We can't have that, not after I told her it was okay, and to go check it out, so I spent about ten minutes working with her around the thing, until she could touch it and approach it.  She nearly wrenched my arm out of the socket several times, trying so hard to get away from the plastic nemesis.  Well, maybe her artistic sensitivities were seriously offended here.
However, when I say that something is safe, I need my dogs to trust me on that, and after a while Decibel could stick around the ornament, and we could go on chores.  
After chores we revisited the flamingo twice more, each time the moment came sooner.  The last time Harold came home, and I made him greet Decibel by the plastic bird, and when it comes to her 'Daddy', Decibel knows no fear, she went to him, come hell or pink flamingo.

Today we had to sit by the bird to get to play tug, and it went well, and on the way back from our morning walk (it is back to blustery and winter), I took Decibel's picture under the bird, and she could stand there long enough without dying of fright.  
Never a dull moment, right?

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