Friday, March 4, 2011

Decibel is ONE!

Decibel is one year old!

Today is Decibel's first birthday, and of course we started celebrating a bit early, since such a momentous occasion does not fit properly into a single day.

Actually, since dog class was the day before, we brought hats and party favors and had our friends celebrate with us, so Decibel got two days of fun.
Hats were a hit

Is that a dunce cap?

What a cute-y

Then we started to have real class, with sits, downs, meet and greet and so forth.  Even the new puppy did really well, in spite of the silliness with hats and Harold and I trying to handle two dogs each or me four dogs while Harold took pictures.


Sit stay again?  Make up your minds...

Meet and greet

Decibel is certainly no longer a little girl, and most of her puppy behavior has gone, although she is still loving, independent, smoochy, wants attention, loves to play, loves to learn to eat a treat, loves to eat, and so forth.  The only part of her that is still a bit puppy like is her coat, a felting mess of puppy fluff, adult 'goat-hair', winter wool and the assorted odds and ends of straw and hay and leaves that congregate there.  Right before her birthday party Maggie marked up the grass area, and scratched a mess of dry lawn onto Decibel's birthday party 'outfit'.  That's what happens when you try to dress up your kids, I guess.  They look worse than if you just left them alone.
Meatloaf again? No, it's meat-cake!

I baked Decibel a meatcake (meatloaf) with cheese, and of course we will all share it with her.  Then Harold trapped a raccoon in the barn, which really had nothing to do with Decibel's birthday other than the timing. A big fat coon, who probably lived well off cat food, and now has to be relocated to town.  (Hey, they drop off their unwanted pets at the farm, we ship wildlife back to civilization, somehow that all works out).
Soon Harold will be home to give Decibel her second present, she is getting a basketball to try and pop, I already gave her the softball to play with, I couldn't wait.  We have to talk to a guy about having some fence built, then we can have birthday fun again.

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