Friday, September 21, 2012

Whatever happened to...

...the quince?
Well, a few more quinces 'came off the tree'.  I couldn't find any tooth marks, but then again, Decibel can be very soft-mouthed.  Still, I don't think she picked them.
The first quince was starting to have a big brown spot, so after some contemplation I picked them all and began making jelly:

Start with some pretty quinces:

 Cut them up and add water:

OOOPS, the pot was too small.  I still had quinces left, so out came a bigger pot:

After cooking them for about an hour, I squeezed out the juice through a flour-sack towel - my version of butter muslin.  Below is the pulp that was left.  I gave that to the chickens.

 The juice was cooked with 7/8th of a cup of sugar per cup of juice.  I also added a bit of lemon juice, just because.  The juice was straw-colored at first, like the pulp, but as it cooked it got a pretty reddish glow to it.  For a bit I did cook the cores in the juice, since one recipe said that the pectin and flavors hang out there.  Quince has enough pectin to gel, so no need to add more.  Almost ready:

The last step was filling jars, and boiling them for 15 minutes.  Then it was all done:
I made two batches of quince jelly, from our 12 quinces.  I think it tastes fine, but it could be a little more full-bodied; next year I will wait to pick the quinces after the first frost. One batch of quince jelly is plenty, and apparently we have plenty on even the small tree, so I won't have to hoard them or worry about the fallen ones.  Still, I came across a pear-quince sauce, that might be worth trying... in case some accidentally get picked early.

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