Sunday, May 27, 2012

Finally - Global warming... AAAHHHHH!

It is well known that heat is my friend.  I loathe the cold and wear gloves when the temperatures plummet below 50°F (10°C) and I am extremely sensitive to windchill, which can ruin a reasonable 80°F (27°C) for me and make me go for a long-sleeved cover.

So the 'threat' of global warming makes little sense to me, it is like the 'threat of happiness' or fear of wealth.
As a scientist, just by the way, I can point to the fact that warm climates have greater biodiversity, and ice ages have really not done the planet's inhabitants much good.  Even the earth likes it warm.
Cherries earlier this month, ready for picking.

This May we are DONE harvesting strawberries and cherries, and the lilies are blooming!  Okay, so it IS a bit dry and the grass has stopped making headway, because it does need some rain, but you won't hear me complain.  Heck, even the grass is okay for the most part, there will be enough for hay, and beyond that, I'll save a lot of gas not having to mow all the time.

Coming attractions:


And Harold's garden is a recognizable entity this year!

I usually just make fun of his 'efforts' which are heavy on the planning and using the rototillers (yes, plural!), and the purchasing seed parts and then drop off until the biggest weeds are the ones that mark the 'garden'.  Not so this year.  Note there are plants in rows, the potatoes are hilled (we got potatoes!), the peppers and tomatoes are in rows, there are onions, carrots, even sweet corn, squashes, okra, and beans growing in recognizable rows (some are in a second plot in the orchard), and the big weedy stuff in the background is the asparagus that we ate in April.

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