Wednesday, September 7, 2011

True Colors...

Decibel is a tawny Briard, and tawny (defined as orange-brown or yellow-brown in my dictionary) is one of those dog terms that means different things in different breeds - not to mention, different colors in Briards at different times.  Tawny Briards can be rather dark with a lot of black hairs mixed in the coat, or rather blonde, if there is a lot of white hairs throughout.  Then there is everything in-between, because tawnies tend to change colors, especially as they mature.

When Ralph first came to us, he was almost gray, without any yellow or brownish tones to his coat at all.  Actually I wasn't so sure he was a tawny Briard, since they do come in gray... but it turned out that it was part of adolescence and part of the clip he had received.  Although it took several years, now he is most definitely a tawny Briard, with lots of black hair scattered throughout his back.

Ralph at first

Barley and Ralph then
Ralph today

Decibel came with black tips, and lots of orangey coat as a pup, which promptly turned white blond in adolescence, but lately, well I can see a return of some black hairs and a nice rich yellow-orange tone coming back along her shoulders and butt.  Her belly (which is clipped) is coated with almost bright orange fuzz.
That's not dirt, really

The tow-headed girl is maturing.  I doubt that she will ever be as dark as Ralph, rather I think she will turn out like Barley when she is all the way done, but the fun is one just never knows.
I noticed the true colors shining through when I tried repeatedly to wipe some dirt away from her eye, only to find that it was a patch of black tipped hair growing there.

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