Decibel is always willing to help out and ever curious about what is going on. Nothing new or out of place escapes her. With spring the ducks and geese are checking out the ponds and Decibel is very busy swimming after them and chasing them off. I don't mind that, especially not in our 'swimming pond', since those birds can be messy.

Harold got himself a new toy, and after convincing me that this will make weed and poison ivy control more effective, and that fences will be repaired, and that wood lots will be cleared out, well, he came home with the ATV. I should have got a video camera for the unloading of the thing, which involved backing the truck up to a bank, and using some flimsy pallets as ramps, but amazingly nothing major went wrong.
Naturally now all of us have to learn how to work with and around the thing. The dogs are doing pretty well so far.
A new tree came in to replace the almond tree that never grew, and Decibel did her level best to help, inspect and clean up. She is a natural for gardening.
What's in the bucket? |
Water! |
Daddy did it, not me. |
I can dig with my paws, but this technology is promising. |
Put your back in it, Dad! |
Old tree disposal. |
Today Decibel caught on that Harold wanted the tall weeds by the chicken coop gone, and she actually pulled one and brought it to him! How clever is that! She is a very clever girl.
Then for another swim in the pond, and some wood ducks took off, and circled, and Decibel managed to paddle in place, watching them in the deep water! I have never seen a dog tread water before. She is a strong swimmer and likes going for laps, just because. I don't mind, it keeps some of the soot out of the house, washes her big paws off.
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