Monday, February 7, 2011

Question to the Briard experts... more teenage woes

A quick question to Decibel's breeders:

At this stage, are the ears purely decorative, or do they have some sort of definable function?

Decibel has selective hearing these days.
Or maybe she is limited as to how much sensory input she can process, for there is surely nothing wrong with her hearing, she can hear a flea on the neighbor's dog fart, when it is necessary.  Only when she is tracking something with her nose, she can not hear me call her.  When she is tasting horse poop, that interferes with her listening skills as well.  This weekend, she did push it a little too far, but she paid for it, so we're good:

Decibel is tracking determinedly in the field, what I do not know.  She can't hear me.  Well, she can, she is just too busy.  So I actually (for the first time) go up to her, and pinch her butt.  I told her that "come" was not optional.  Of course she immediately turns into the sweet girl puddle of mush, so after a few sits and downs, I let her get back to sniffing.  She came the next time, she is not dumb that one, nor deaf neither.

On Sunday we spent a long time with the comb and brush, while Harold was distracting her.  Finally, almost a mat free Briard.  (Well, I didn't do the 'undercarriage').  The sun came out, so we all went for a walk.  Decibel was good, up to the end, when again, she ran after Maggie to hunt rascally squirrel rather than listen to Mom.  She did come, but not until she was completely coated with sticky plant seeds.

Oh Decibel.

Well, I combed her, glad that at least the mats were not making things worse.  She held still, didn't complain much, although I wasn't as careful about tugging, I wanted to get the seeds and stickers off before they worked into the coat, but Decibel knew she needed help.  She couldn't see for one thing, and I kept her head for last, just because.

The thing is, she always makes up for it, and keeps me laughing.

This is how and where she likes to sleep.

Oh, as a PS, Ralph is being ever so good, especially after his surgery, he has been a real happy dog, and there are now times when all dogs play with each other, which is loud, chaotic, but friendly.  He rarely warns Decibel off anymore, and as long as he gets plenty of positive attention from me, he is wonderful with her.  When he is grouchy, it is now uncharacteristically so, and usually at night, after a busy day - he is hurting then, and needs a bit of Metacam, then he feels better.
Ralph the good with a grin to boot!

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