Not that spring is not in the air, and so it is with Decibel. She will be a great dog one day, smart, obedient, willing to learn and please. Her occasional teenage attitude is short-termed, and often nothing more severe than refusal to hear, or interpretation of the rules.
Mostly she gets scared by her own boldness, and decides to give in, before I even feel a correction is necessary.
The absolute worst thing about her adolescence is trying to keep a straight face when Decibel gets in trouble. Most of the time, she is too cute, even when she is bad.
We've had some nasty weather following Brownie's death, fog, clammy cold, snow, a little ice, and all that seems entirely proper, since we were a bit gloomy as well. But staying indoors does not tire out Decibel, and boredom is the root of most of her mischievousness.
Dog home school:
All good students! |
So I decided that we needed a 'lesson plan' for nasty days. The dogs do their sits, downs, shake and other tricks, and since there are cookies to be earned, they do this quite well.
Then we go on to the 'advanced' level:
Magic trick:
All that is needed for magic trick is a plastic container (even clear will work) and a treat. A dog sits and the treat is placed on the floor, and covered by the plastic container (I call it the "cup", although it is usually a yogurt container).
Now you might think, how hard is that? The dog was watching the whole time.
But dogs vary in their stage of development. Some understand that the treat is under the cup. In my house that is the 'girls' Maggie and Decibel.
This is soo tricky! |
When I tell the dog to 'get it', Maggie used her paw, tips the cup over, eats the treat.
No challenge at all.
Decibel will attack the problem with her nose. She moves the cup around or picks it up with her mouth, then has to spit that out to eat the treat.
Ralph is sad that the treat disappeared. With some encouragement he will sniff on the floor for it, and eventually, accidentally dislodge the treat cup combo and think he 'FOUND' a treat! So cool. I found a treat!
Skeeter doesn't get it. He sits, he wags his tail, he is anxious but confused. He so wants a cookie.
At this point Decibel steps in, steals the cup, exposes the cookie, makes Skeeter's day, and all is well again.
Then I have to call Decibel and have her surrender the cup so we can play the game again.
For a joke I put the treat on top of the inverted container.
Believe it or not, the girls eat the treat, the boys are confused. It is too funny!
Wipe your nose. |
Wipe your nose:
I hold out a kitchen towel and tell Decibel "wipe your nose". She will do this right away. She knows "touch" which means touch my hand with your nose, and that is how she interprets the gesture, and since she cannot touch the hand without touching the towel, she obeys.
Blind! |
Where's Decibel? |
Peek-a-boo! |
The dogs take turns of sitting, and having their heads covered by a towel.
Then I say "peek-a-boo," and they either paw or shake the towel off, and get a treat.
That might not be much of a trick, but it looks really cute.